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I participated in a Group Buy, where are my products


Group Buys are usually downloadable. In some cases, the downloads may be staggered over a few days, depending on the amount of material and participants. Also, redeem codes are used which allow the user to make his/her own choice of available products. The redeem code can be found in your esoundz download area. When you click on the redeem code you will be redirected to downloadablesoundz to make your selection. Once you have made your selection(s) your item will be available in the "my downloads" section of your downloadablesoundz account. Finally, some group buys only deliver a serial number. This serial number will be found in your esoundz download area. In this situation, where only a serial number is delivered, you will need to register that serial with the Authorization Manager. As always, if you have any questions, please contact support.

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Article details
Article ID: 12
Category: eSoundz Website
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.9/5.0 (155)

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